Healing For Your Body, Mind & Spirit - We Provide Medical & Therapeutic Massage
Healing Circle Massage provides medical and therapeutic massage from highly trained therapists as well as ear coning, natural health consultations and reiki treatments and classes. Kathy Grover, owner, has been involved in massage and natural health for over 15 years. She is currently attending Clayton College for Natural Health for a Doctorate of Naturopathy and MS and PhD in Natural Health. Healing Circle Massage was selected in 2006 as a "Best Practice" by Massage Magazine.AMENITYQuiet Environment, Parking, Heated Massage TableASSOCIATIONABMP - Association of Bodywork & Massage Prof.ANMA - American Naturopath Medical Association
*Medical Massage
*Ear Coning
*Deep Tissue and Trigger Point
*Pregnancy Massage
*Natural & Wellness Counseling
*Wide Variety of Enzyme, Herbal & Homeopathic Products