Dedicated To Treating The Cause, Not Just The Symptoms
Spinal Manipulation - Spinal Decompression for Lumbar and Herniated Disc Disease - Sports Injury Manipulation - Cervical Traction - Cold Laser Therapy - Auriculotherapy - Ultrasound - Electrical Muscle Stimulation - Nutrional Counseling - Pain Management Auto Accidents - Sports Injuries - Chiropractic Care. Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Whiplash, Protruding/Bulging/Herniated Disks, Pinched Nerves/Sciatica, Tingling/Numbness - Arms and Legs, Headaches: Tension and Migraine. Tendonitis and Bursitis: Shoulder, Elbow, Knee Rotator Cuff Injury, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Ankle and Foot Strain, Heel Spurs, Post-Surgical Pain Syndrome - Spine, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Chronic Pain Associated with MS and Lupus.
Chiropractic Massage Therapies Spinal Manipulation Cold Laser Therapy Ultrasound Sports Injury Cervical Traction Electrical Muscle Stimulation Nutrional Counseling Herniated Disc Disease
Abundant Health Chiropractic & Rehabilitation