Your Path To Recovery Starts Here
We're Here Every Step Of The Way. Join Us On Your Journey To Recovery. At MTC, we believe that substance abuse is a debilitating condition from which recovery is possible through motivation, cooperation, and appropriate treatments. Serving clients in South, Central, and Northern Michigan from our three locations in Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, and Gaylord, MTC offers the most appropriate and cost-effective services to individuals who suffer from an opiate addiction and desire to engage in a therapeutic recovery program. Fully-licensed and accredited, we specialize in the treatment of opiate addiction through a combination of the medication methadone and outpatient therapy.
Mt Pleasant Location: (989) 953-4357
Gaylord Location: (989) 732-4357
SARF (Screening, Assessment, Referral & Follow Up) Substance Abuse Evaluations (Court, Attorney, Employer, School) Early Intervention Treatment Substance Abuse Education and Didactic Services Individual and Group Counseling Counseling for spouse, children or any family member of a substance abuse user (ACOA) Health and Human Resources referral and coordination of care Random drug and alcohol testing Specialized Groups Anger Management Medication-Assisted Treatment