Therapeutic Bodywork to Reduce Stress Levels, Relieve Pain and Promote Healing.
Therapeutic Bodywork to Reduce Stress Levels, Relieve Pain and Promote Healing. With over 30 years of experience in therapeutic massage and certification in Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy, Loyce specializes in listening, connecting and applying the art and science of therapeutic bodywork to suit your needs. Whether your body needs relief from muscle tightness, your nerves soothed from stress, oncology or other medical issue support, an integrated massage therapy approach will help restore your well-being. Manual lymph drainage therapy is a gentle treatment technique which is very effective in enhancing the immune system and reducing edema (swelling). Loyce provides education in lymphedema management as well as providing complete decongestive therapy. Complementary therapies to use along with conventional medicine to help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Our services are deep tissue massage, therapeutic massage, Swedish massage, manual lymph drainage, medically specific massage, oncology massage, hot stone massage, cranial sacral therapy, polarity, Reiki, reflexology, soothing foot massage and Lymphedema management and education Visit us on Albuquerque and Placitas offices, we can arrange home & facility Visits, and we are licensed, certified, and insured. Cash, check, credit, and gift cards available.