The healing begins....the moment you arrive.
A respected premier massage therapy center, BODY & SOLE Massage Therapy and Reflexology Center offers over 20 different massage and bodywork healing modalities, specializing in male and female health issues, as well as challenges from trauma, injury, illness, and surgery recovery. In addition, they have over 13 years of elite, professional, and sports massage experience.
Relaxation and Therapeutic Massages, Reflexology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Aromatherapy Massage, Sports Massage, Orthopedic Massage, Cranio-Sacral, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Massage, Deep Tissue Techniques, Paraffin-Infused Massage, Hot Stone Treatments, Reiki, Worker's Compensation, Auto Accidents, A wide range of pain relief products (including Topricin) as well as pampering and other gift items.