Welcome to The Pampered Body. Bonnie B. Anderson, RMT is a state licensed massage therapist practicing in the Ogden area. Bonnie specializes in wellness and rehabilitation services that will make you feel better than you ever thought possible. Isn't it time you felt better? Truly, completely better?We specialize in: - Pain Relief Therapy- Therapeutic Massage- Sports Massage- Reflexology / Trigger Point Therapy- Lympatic Drainage- Reike / Fibromyalgia- Day Spa Treatments- Face Lift Massage- Rain Drop Therapy- Contour Wraps- Weight Loss & Weight ManagementWe offer one-on-one appointments to fit your individual needs. We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau. We accept VISA and MasterCard for your convenience. We look forward to serving you.Call today for an appointment and start feeling better!