Ogden's premier massage therapist with 18 years healing the body, mind and soul
Restoring balance to the body, mind and soul.
Ms. Stone is a LMT and MATP (Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology)
Sheila has been involved in the healing arts field for over 15 years. She believes that healing in an integrated process and draws from multiple modalities for the body, mind and soul.
She is a licensed massage therapist and has owned her own practice since 1996. She specializes in working with clients on an individual basis and each session is intuitively directed towards their personal needs. Whether it is a specific issue of pain in the body, or a relaxing, stress relieving massage, you will receive the touch you need.
In addition to massage, Sheila works with energy healing modalities such as Reiki, somatic/emotional healing including Chi Nei Tsang (an ancient abdominal massage practice) and cranial sacral work.
NEW: TouchStone Transformational Coaching
Practical wisdom for the transformational journey.
*Personal Growth