Dr. Dan Loftus specializes in back, neck and extremity pain. Chiropractors are unparalleled in their knowledge of the spine. Chiropractic treatment offers you hands-on, effective treatments which can help to relieve your pain. Chiropractic treatments do not include surgery or medications, which means you will be offered alternatives which are non-invasive, hands-on and effective.
What can you expect from a visit to Sussex Chiropractic?
Dr. Loftus will begin with a thorough examination and will assess your areas of concern, as well as carefully consider your health history. The doctor is trained in x-ray techniques, and in order to make an accurate diagnosis may ask for an x-ray of your spine. Only after this initial examination can Dr. Loftus offer a recommended course of treatment. Based on the analysis of your initial examination, your treatment could consist of chiropractic adjustments, therapies, and rehabilitation.